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Use the following calculators to estimate the number of calories burned during certain activities based on either activity duration or distance (only for walking, running, or cycling). To estimate the calories consumed each day, use our Calorie Calculator.
- Ideal Weight
Ideal Weight Calculator. The Ideal Weight Calculator...
- Calorie Calculator
This calorie calculator estimates the number of calories...
- Due Date
The default for this calculator bases the calculation on a...
- BMR Calculator
BMR Calculator. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator...
- Body Fat
It is necessary fat that maintains life and reproductive...
Free Body Mass Index calculator gives out the BMI value and...
- Ideal Weight
The tool will take you through your walking habits and, based on them, estimate the number of calories burned in the process, as well as the weight lost this translates to. You'll also find information about the most important benefits of walking and, hopefully, get motivated to give it a go!
The free walking to lose weight calculator uses a mathematical formula to calculate the calories burned while walking which helps to lose weight. Calculation includes body weight, metabolic equivalents (METs), walking speed, and time spent walking.
30 lip 2024 · This calories burned biking calculator may satisfy your curiosity about how many calories biking burns. Whether you are a recreational cyclist, a bike commuter, or a professional, you can calculate calories and kilograms lost while riding a bike.
Calorie Burn Calculator. Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. On this page, you can calculate the amount of calories burned for a given workout viz., brisk walking, running, cycling and swimming.
Excess calorie (Average) = calorie intake−calorie burned. The Walking Calorie Calculator calculates the burning calories on the basis of the BMR and MET calories of walking by considering the above equation. The calories burned by the brisk walk are given in the chart below:
The Free Walking Weight Loss Calculator is a valuable tool designed to estimate the calories burned during your walks, empowering you to tailor your walking routine to achieve your weight loss goals effectively.