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We hope you enjoy watching the Fort St. Vrain eagles! The eagles usually lay eggs in mid-February. The eggs hatch in late March to early April and young fled...
We have one eagle nest equipped with two video cameras so you can watch the American bald eagles build their nest, lay and incubate their eggs, and raise their young in late January through July. Eagle Cams One and Two are located at the Fort St. Vrain Station Platteville, Colo.
Click the stream to watch the Fort St. Vrain eagles live! They usually lay eggs in late February to early March, the eggs hatch in early to mid April, and the young fledge in June or...
We have one eagle nest equipped with two video cameras so you can watch the American bald eagles build their nest, lay and incubate their eggs, and raise their young in late January through July. Eagle Cams are located at the Fort St. Vrain Station Platteville, Colo.
Info: Live streaming bald eagle webcam at Fort St Vrain in Colorado, United States. This huge nest is around 6 foot-wide and 5 foot-deep, high up in a cottonwood tree and has been active for many years. The first egg of the season was laid on Feb 29th, 2024.
What does the Fort St. Vrain bald eagle site look like? The eagles’ nest (FSV-N0) is 9 x 8 feet wide, eight feet high, and 57 feet off the ground. It has a perimeter of about 26 feet, a total area of about 56 feet, probably weighs between 2200 and 2700 feet, and is large enough to be seen on satellite!
We have one eagle nest equipped with two video cameras so you can watch the American bald eagles build their nest, lay and incubate their eggs, and raise their young in late January through July. Eagle Cams One and Two are located at the Fort St. Vrain Station Platteville, Colo.