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21 lis 2023 · Learn the definition of liver laceration. Understand the grading of liver lacerations and the complications of hepatic injury. See liver laceration treatment. Updated: 11/21/2023. What...
Fig. 10: Grade 2 laceration (arrows) of the liver demonstrated on axial (top) and...
Grade Description AIS Severity ... non-expansive, < 10% of surface 2 Capsular tear 1-3 cm in depth < 10 cm length 2 Hematoma, subcapsular, non-expansive, 10 - 50% of surface 2 Capsular tear > 3 cm in depth 3 Hematoma, subcapsular, expansive, > 50% of surface or ... Laceration of liver, unspecified degree, initial encounter: S36.113A 541820.2 ...
Results: All patients had an uncomplicated course and the liver restoration was demonstrated between 3 and 300 days after the trauma. The median healing time of hematomas increased with the grading (p<0.001): 6 days (IQR=6.75), 45.5 days (IQR=91) and 108 days (IQR=89) for I, II and III grade lesions, respectively.
The liver injury grading tool evaluates the severity of traumatic liver injury based on characteristics of the hepatic hematoma and laceration. The six grades used are the ones from the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST).
Significant impact (eg, motor vehicle crash) can damage the liver, as can penetrating trauma (eg, knife wound, gunshot wound). Hepatic injuries range from subcapsular hematomas and small capsular lacerations to deep parenchymal lacerations, major crush injury, and vascular avulsion.
Assess the liver laceration and identify the bleeding vessel. Direct suture ligation should be performed using 3-0 or 4-0 absorbable suture. A patch of omentum can be used to fill the gap created by the laceration.