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  1. Has your USDOT/FMCSA medical certificate ever been denied or issued for less than 2 years? Have you ever had surgery? If “yes,” please list and explain below.

  2. 9 gru 2015 · Medical examiners are required to complete the Medical Examination Report Form for every driver physical examination performed in accordance with 49 CFR 391.41.

  3. 20 gru 2023 · The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires that interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers maintain a current Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876 to drive. As part of the physical, drivers are required to fill out the medical history portion of the Medical Examination Report (MER) Form, MCSA-5875.

  4. 1 kwi 2013 · Download a blank fillable Form Mcsa-5875 - Medical Examination Report Form - U.s. Department Of Transportation in PDF format just by clicking the "DOWNLOAD PDF" button. Open the file in any PDF-viewing software.

  5. Has your USDOT/FMCSA medical certificate ever been denied or issued for less than 2 years? Have you ever had surgery? If “yes,” please list and explain below.

  6. physical examination The presence of a certain condition may not necessarily disqualify a driver, particularly if the condition is controlled adequately, is not likely to worsen, or is readily amenable to treatment.

  7. This form is mandatory after April 16, 2016 for all DOT CDL Physicals and replaces the old form 649f. Includes Instructions to Physician, Minimum Requirements, Physical Qualifications and CDL Medical Certificate for Commercial Drivers. PDF format. Free to Print or Download. Get Adobe Reader Here

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