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  1. Bill Payment [ Questions and Answers | Report Technical Problems | Help with Downloading Files | Privacy Notice ]

  2. Visit to make a payment » Pay by electronic check at the Florida State Disbursement Unit Smart ePay website. You will need your Social Security Number and child support case number or depository number . Register for an account to get started and pay using your bank account. Processing time: 2 business days.

  3. Using the Portal, filers can upload documents from the convenience of their own home or office without stepping foot in a courthouse. Connects thousands involved in Florida’s justice system including more than 220,000+ self-represented litigants, 82,000 attorneys, 1,400 judges, and more.

  4. You can find information on how to receive Advance Child Tax Credit payments, including the Non-Filer Sign Up Tool which is available if you were not required to file a tax return and have not filed one for 2020 or 2019.

  5. Enroll to eFile and Pay eServices for Taxes, Fees and Other State Remittances; Register to Collect and Pay Taxes or Fees; Taxes and Fees or Refunds; Update Account Information

  6. Pay by Text is now available. Opt-in to receive text notifications when your child support payment is due. You can reply via text to authorize your payment by credit or debit card. Simply log in and complete the opt-in process. If you are new to the website, you must register before you can opt-in.

  7. MyACCESS is a portal where Floridians can get and manage benefits online. This includes food assistance (SNAP) formerly food stamps, cash aid (TCA), and affordable health coverage (Medicaid)

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