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  1. This dataset covers global video game sales, popularity, and reviews. It includes game names, platforms, release years, genres, publishers, sales data, and critic/user scores. It's an essential resource for gamers, industry professionals, and researchers.

  2. Global Video Game Performance: Sales, Reviews, and Rankings. Global Video Game Performance: Sales, Reviews, and Rankings. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Learn more. OK, Got it. Something went wrong and this page crashed! ...

  3. This dataset covers global video game sales, popularity, and reviews. It includes game names, platforms, release years, genres, publishers, sales data, and critic/user scores. It's an essential resource for gamers, industry professionals, and researchers.

  4. Visual Analytics project to analyze and discovery insights of video game sales in recent years, with the high-level API Motivation: the video game industry currently (2021) has more than 3 billion active players and its market is worth more than $170 billion ( BestTheNews ).

  5. This Tableau project focuses on analyzing global video game sales data. The dataset includes information such as game rank, name, platform, release year, genre, publisher, and sales figures for different regions.

  6. 12 cze 2024 · How to annual video game sales vary per year in each country? Which platforms for playing video games have been the most popular each year? Which regions prefer which genre the most?

  7. › DataViz_VideoGameSales › pagesVideoGameSales - GitHub Pages

    17 mar 2020 · Visual Analytics project to analyze and discovery insights of video game sales in recent years, with the high-level API

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