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  1. 07 August 1934 - Adolf Hitler – speech at Hindenburg’s funeral in Tannenberg Monument. August 7, 1934. Herr und Frau von Hindenburg! Esteemed Mourners! Generals, Officers and Soldiers of the Wehrmacht! A soldier is normally honored twice in his life: following a victory, and following his death.

  2. The president of the Reich (German: Reichspräsident) was the German head of state under the Weimar constitution, which was officially in force from 1919 to 1945. In English he was usually simply referred to as the president of Germany.

  3. Three state funerals during the Weimar Republic. The state funerals of Reich President Ebert and Reich foreign ministers Rathenau and Stresemann were organized under the direction of art historian Edwin Redslob, who as Reich Art Curator was responsible for government policy on culture and the arts.

  4. Last will and testament of Adolf Hitler. First page of the political testament. Adolf Hitler, chancellor and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, signed his political testament and his private will in the Führerbunker on 29 April 1945, the day before he committed suicide with his wife, Eva Braun. The political testament consisted of two parts.

  5. In 1934, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg died, and to consolidate political power, the regime passed a new law immediately after the funeral allowing Chancellor Hitler to hold the title of President simultaneously.

  6. In the intercessions at a funeral liturgy, the community responds to the proclamation of the Word of God by praying for the deceased and all the dead, for the bereaved and all who mourn, and for all present.

  7. Adolf Hitler - great speech to the German Reichstag. Berlin, January 30, 1939. Greatly disconcerted about the future of my Volk, I moved into Wilhelmstrasse on January 30, 1933. Today-six years later-I am able to speak before this first Greater German Reichstag!

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