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Interfejs FireWire (IEEE 1394) FireWire jest zÆqczem szeregowym opisanym standardem IEEE 1394. Jest to interfejs ogól- nego przeznaczenia. SluŽy przede wszystkim do pod¼czania urzadzefi multimedialnych, a ze wzglÊdu na czçste zastosowanie w kamerach jest kojarzony g}ównie z kamerami cy- frowymi.
This document is a FireWire tutorial aimed at engineers that have no previous exposure or understanding of FireWire. Its purpose is to familiarize the reader with FireWire and to build a sound and complete understanding of how the FireWire bus operates from the experiences of expert members of the 1394 Trade Association.
The IEEE 1394 protocol (or Firewire, which is Apple's trademarked term) is one of the emerging bus protocols that will be important components of the connected future. Here's how it works.
Today, 1553 is regarded as a low speed computer interconnect standard that can be developed with readily available, low-cost commercial components and is ideal for environmentally harsh environments (especially environments with electrical noise).
6 cze 2022 · FireWire (also known as i.Link or IEEE 1394) is a personal computer / consumer electronic serial bus interface standard offering high-speed communications and isochronous real-time data services. The IEEE 1394-1995 standard for the High Performance Serial Bus defines a serial data transfer protocol.
Interface Digital Camera Printer SCSI is typical “supervised cabling” — daisy-chain; ... •IEEE 1394-1995, 1394a-2000, 1394b-2002 High Speed Serial Bus –“Memory-bus-like” logical architecture, isochronous support ... –IEEE 1394.1 for bridges, IIC for instrumentation and industrial control, DPP for consumer cameras/printers, etc.
FireWire jest powszechnie używany do łączenia kamer wideo i urządzeń pamięci masowej. Stosuje się go zamiast popularniejszego USB z powodu większej szybkości transmisji (prędkość nie zależy od wielkości plików jak przy USB – płynny streaming) oraz dlatego, że nie wymaga użycia komputera.