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  1. Gain an understanding of key principles of school safety. Determine actions needed to improve safety in your school/school district. *State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) and Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) credits available.

  2. The Michigan School Safety Initiative (MSSI) works with Michigan schools to improve school safety and prevent violence. In this webinar, we will introduce our comprehensive, evidence-based approach to school safety and the free services we offer, including one-on-one support.

  3. The Michigan State Police (MSP), Grants and Community Services Division, Office of School Safety (OSS) provides the following resources in support of K-12 schools seeking to develop or update their emergency operations plan (EOP).

  4. The Michigan School Safety Initiative (MSSI) is focused on collaborating with Michigan schools to provide training and technical assistance to improve school safety and prevent violence, including school shootings.

  5. 1 cze 2023 · The state of Michigan and the University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention have finalized a $1 million contract to launch a new statewide initiative to enhance school safety and prevent school violence, including school shootings.

  6. 1 cze 2023 · The University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention and the state of Michigan have finalized a $1 million contract to create a statewide initiative designed to enhance school safety and prevent school violence, including school shootings.

  7. PoliceOne Academy offers accredited MCOLES law enforcement courses to meet training requirements in the state of Michigan. View our list of accredited courses.

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