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  1. "Domestic Shipping" shall mean the transport of passengers or cargo, or both, by ships duly registered and licensed under Philippine law to engage in trade and commerce between and among Philippine ports and within Philippine territorial or internal waters, for hire or compensation, with general or limited clientele, whether permanent, occasiona...

  2. › documents › maritime handbook parts i to iii (2011)Maritime Law Handbook - SyCipLaw

    Philippines has its fair share of maritime cases, such as collisions, sinking, salvage, piracy, hijacking, and arrest of ships. The law and procedure relating to the arrest of vessels may be found in Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1521 (otherwise known as the ‘Ship Mortgage

  3. Administration. Requirements for structural fire protection, means of escape, ventilation of tanks and cofferdams, pipes and fittings, carriage of oxygen, acetylene, and other flammable gases in cylinders, carriage of dangerous goods for ship’s use, fire protection arrangements in cargo spaces, fire safety

  4. LAWS RELATED TO VESSELS AND SHIPPING IN THE PHILIPPINES. Category: Transportation Laws. CODE OF COMMERCE. ARTICLE 573. Merchant vessels constitute property which may be acquired and transferred by any of the means recognized by law.

  5. Secretary of the Interior and Local Government

  6. This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of shipping laws and regulations applicable in Philippines. For a full list of jurisdictional Q&As visit

  7. undergoes alteration/conversion which affect the affect the dimension of the ship or its cargo capacity, significantly increase the ship’s life, the load line, change the ship’s functionality, in which case such ship shall comply with the present regulation. 6 Existing ships registered in foreign country shall be regarded as a ship new