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Discover Ferdinand Porsche famous and rare quotes. Share Ferdinand Porsche quotations about cars, dreams and failing. "I couldn't find the sports car of my..."
29 sie 2023 · Here are 14 great Porsche quotes that truly represent them as a brand. Below are fourteen of the most famous quotes that I’ve hand picked to showcase to you in this article. Sit back and read through some of the most iconic quotes that helped build the Porsche brand we all know and love today.
21 lis 2023 · Here are some of the best quotes by Ferdinand Porsche. It is better to enter a turn slow and come out fast, than to enter a turn fast and come out dead. ~ Ferdinand Porsche. You can’t force things in life. There is little that I detest more than force. ~ Ferdinand Porsche. Change is easy. Improvement is far more difficult. ~ Ferry Porsche.
Entdecke die inspirierenden Zitate und Sprüche von Ferry Porsche, dem legendären Automobilunternehmer. Tauche ein in seine klugen Worte und lass dich von seiner Weisheit begeistern!
21 mar 2018 · In this sense, let yourself be inspired by Porsche´s genius and inventions in the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelten fahr(T)raum Mattsee! You will hear further sayings and anecdotes from the inventor during the guided tours through our special car museum. Why special?
The inspiring quotes of Ferry Porsche and the iconic Porsche sounds of the 356 to the 991.Help suppor... In celebration of Porsche's 70th anniversary this year.
5 lis 2024 · FERDINAND PORSCHE famous quotes. If one does not fail at times, then one has not challenged himself....