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16 sty 2023 · "If you haven’t got it, you can’t show it. If you have got it, you can’t hide it." Image: courtesy of Lee White. "I will not wait for opportunities. I will create them." "I did...
Triumphant Founder Fannie Pettie Watts' most famous quote is "Let no man think to have set his own house in order if he is unmindful of his brothers' well-being."
Fannie (Pettie) Watts, 1899-1995: Fannie Pettie graduated from Howard with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education and taught junior and senior high schools in Savannah, Georgia. She was credited with organizing two additional Zeta chapters and had active membership in Delta Alpha Zeta chapter
Fannie Pettie Watts: Fannie Pettie graduated from Howard University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education and taught junior and senior high schools in Savannah, Georgia. She was credited with organizing two additional Zeta chapters and had active membership in the Delta Alpha Zeta Chapter.
Founder Fannie Pettie Watts' triumphant life ended in 1995 _____ Founder Myrtle Tyler Blood sister to Viola Tyler Born in Flushing, Ohio Upon receiving her high school diploma, she matriculated at Howard University An Ohio teacher of mathematics and English for several years ...
Fannie Pettie Watts: Fannie Pettie graduated from Howard with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education and taught junior and senior high schools in Savannah, Georgia. She was credited with organizing two additional Zeta chapters and had active membership in Delta Alpha Zeta chapter. First Initiates.
Fannie Pettie Watts: Fannie Pettie graduated from Howard with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education and taught junior and senior high schools in Savannah, Georgia. She was credited with organizing two additional Zeta chapters and had active membership in Delta Alpha Zeta chapter.