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FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
The PS3Eye should work fine with faceAPI, but sometimes other software or faulty codecs may spoil the fun (see You can try to run FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe manually (from the faceAPI folder) to see what error code the program returns.
7 sty 2012 · FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS ...
25 cze 2020 · Add extractFaceFromBox function to your code, it can extract a face from video frames with giving bounding box and display result into outputimage. Try this code and enjoy. const canvas = faceapi.createCanvasFromMedia(video); document.body.append(canvas); const displaySize = {width: video.width, height: video.height};
19 sie 2020 · After installing FaceTrackNoIR you need to install the plugin pack (download for which should be on the main download page). After that it pretty much just worked. Settings are: You probably want to up the smoothing a little. I set Pitch and X to inverted.
For face detection, this project implements a SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) based on MobileNetV1. The neural net will compute the locations of each face in an image and will return the bounding boxes together with it's probability for each face.