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9 lut 2016 · It lists all available actions that particular object exposes to any user. You can't see the .Selection member of the Worksheets() class. That's what the error tells you exactly. Object doesn't support this property or method. If you look at the example on MSDN. Worksheets("GRA").Activate iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count
Worksheets(intSheetIndex - 1) does not refer directly or indirectly to the Excel.Application object that you created, so it causes problems. To correct this, change the line that you posted to wkbNew.Worksheets.Add After:= wkbNew.
5 lut 2022 · Error 438 is a frequently occuring error in Excel VBA and is caused by either omitting a property or method when referring to an object, or by using a property or method that is not available to an object in the VBA code. Let us examine the following code: Dim ws As Worksheet. Dim sheetName As String .
13 wrz 2021 · An attempt was made to write to a write-protected disk or to access a locked file. This error has the following causes and solutions: You tried to open a write-protected file for sequential Output or Append. Open the file for Input or change the write-protection attribute of the file.
How to Fix an Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method. The best way to deal with this error 438 (Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method) you need to be aware of the properties and methods that are supported by the object you are using.
16 cze 2024 · In this article, you will 2 possible solutions when Object variable or with Block variable is not set in Excel VBA.
4 kwi 2022 · Hidden sheets can be unhidden by any regular Excel user – by right-clicking in the worksheet tab area (shown above). VeryHidden sheets can only be unhidden with VBA code or from within the VBA Editor. Use the following code examples to hide / unhide worksheets: Unhide Worksheet Worksheets("Sheet1").Visible = xlSheetVisible Hide Worksheet