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Use AND and OR together or with the IF function. For example, calculate who earns a commission or find data that meets multiple conditions.
We use the IF statement in Excel to test one condition and return one value if the condition is met and another if the condition is not met. However, we use multiple or nested IF statements when evaluating numerous conditions in a specific order to return different results.
How to use the IF function (combined with the AND, OR, and NOT functions) in Excel to make logical comparisons between given values.
Funkcja IF jest potężnym narzędziem w programie Excel, które pozwala przeprowadzić testy logiczne i zwracać określone wartości na podstawie wyniku tych testów. Rozbijmy funkcję IF i zbadajmy jej składnię, przykłady i wspólne zastosowania. Składnia funkcji IF składa się z trzech głównych elementów:
29 sie 2024 · How to Use The IF and OR Functions Together in Excel. The IF function in Excel is the most commonly used when you want to create a conditional formula but it’s usually a very basic condition 🤔. To create a more complex condition, we combine IF with logical functions like OR.
22 mar 2023 · The tutorial shows how to create multiple IF statements in Excel with AND as well as OR logic. Also, you will learn how to use IF together with other Excel functions. In the first part of our Excel IF tutorial, we looked at how to construct a simple IF statement with one condition for text, numbers, dates, blanks and non-blanks. For powerful ...
6 lip 2024 · IF (OR (C5>$C$12, D5>$D$12, AND (E5=$E$12, F5>$F$12)),” Flag”, “OK”) commands if the conditions are TRUE then display Flag otherwise OK. Read More: How to Use IF with AND Function in Excel (Formula + VBA) Steps: Pressing the Enter key will display the output 0.