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  1. 24 kwi 2021 · Concrete poetry consists of a proper arrangement in linguistic rudiments in the misprinting effects that are more significant in elaborating the explanations than verbal importance.

  2. Poets write concrete poems when they want to explore and push their creativity in a new direction. These poems force authors to work within a new set of boundaries, but they are boundaries that they themselves create.

  3. N rrITS simplest definition concrete poetry is the creation of verbal artefacts which exploit the possibilities, not only of sound, sense and rhythm--the traditional fields of poetry--but also of space, whether

  4. Concrete poetry is a visual representation of concept and idea, processed at once with a presumed context (presumed by author, viewer, or both) as well as components which already have context.

  5. In English poetry, George Herbert (writing in the early seventeenth century) penned a number of poems whose shapes resemble a cross, or a pair of birds’ wings, or an altar, and many other well-known poets have written what might be termed ‘concrete poems’.

  6. Indeed, the concrete poem exemplifies a dramatic variation in the most basic element of poetry: figura-tive language. Traditionally, figurative language has established a relationship be-tween the tangible objects around man and the intangibles which he seeks to know.

  7. The meaning of a concrete poem is no longer tethered to its linear movement through time, from the beginning of you viewing, to the end. Because it's free, its meaning is free. We try to find the meaning of a concrete poem, unlike when we read other poems, or novels, or short stories, or plays.

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