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Fills your target with holy power, increasing their hit points by 21129 and armor class by 865 for 2 hour(s) 30.0 mins. Triggered by spell: Unified Persistence; Unified Hand of Persistence
Fills your target with holy power, increasing their hit points by #2 and armor class by #4 for %z. You are filled with a powerful infusion. Target's eyes gleam with power. Your infusion fades.
Searches name, description and casting messages. (min: 3 characters, max: 75 characters) Search For: Class:
Nov 27, 2024 - The Outer Brood Patch 12/3 - Bonus: EXP, Rares, Faction, Marketplace - The Outer Brood Launchdate + Livestream - October 2024 Producers Letter - Fippy Fest Contest + Stream - EQ 25th Anniversary - EQ Roadmap 2024 - Year of Darkpaw - EQResource Discord Server - EQResource in-game channel
20 paź 2024 · Spell upgrades for those spells can be purchased from Beluba also in Sanctus Seru if your crafting level is 120+. The final tier of Epic spells are granted to you in Ballads of Zimara, and may be leveled by crafters with recipes for them.
18 cze 2015 · I have been working on creating cheat sheets for spell research. It is a lot of work, and very time consuming. Before I go any further, is this...
7 maj 2017 · When you look at the spell data for any single spell, song, or effect, it will list one or more different Spell Slot numbers each followed by a Spell Attribute that is modified, and generally an amount or range of amounts for that attribute.