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Employers or employment agents (EAs) can use EP eService on myMOM Portal to apply, renew, appeal, issue, cancel, withdraw, or replace a pass (all pass types except Work Permit) and view the details of their transactions and organisation's profile. Pass holders can use EP eService to update passport and contact details.
- EntrePass
Before cancelling. You need to fulfil your tax obligations...
Before cancelling. Your employer must seek tax clearance...
- Formerly EP Online
To access EP eService, ensure both conditions are met: You...
- Make an Appointment
Report to MOM Services Centre Hall C for Work Permit or S...
- EntrePass
If you do not know the case number, key in and search by hearing type (eg, mention, case conference, mediation, hearing) or case type (eg, MSS, SS, FC/D), and additionally filter by “Courts” to “Family Justice Courts” and filter the “Date” to the date of your court attendance.
Find services for online transactions with MOM, including applications, renewals, status checks, notifications and updates.
(1) This Practice Direction applies to all proceedings in the State Courts, including criminal proceedings. (2) Subject to the provisions of any written law, the State Courts may conduct hearings by video conferencing or telephone conferencing using an approved remote communication technology.
Parties to an employment claim may have to attend court to resolve their dispute. Find out what to prepare before going to court, the court fees and who can represent a party.
6 sty 2019 · From Monday (7 Jan), parties in an employment dispute will be able to file their claims online, without having to travel to the State Courts. This is part of the new Employment Claims Tribunals (ECT) online filing module.
1 sty 2024 · The complete set of the State Courts Practice Directions (PD) is available in an electronic medium for the enhanced convenience of users. The PD can be accessed for use on a personal computer, and will be updated online for a paperless and instant amendment process.