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Entrepreneur 3 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses identifying business opportunities, including starting a new business, buying an existing business, taking over a family business, and buying a franchise.
12 lut 2024 · This book details an accurate account of what is entrepreneurship, what are some of the qualities, attributes, and traits needed to be an entrepreneur, and practical suggestions to how to approach an entrepreneurship endeavor.
CHAPTER 3 - ATTRIBUTES, QUALITIES,AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ENTREPRENEUR - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. An entrepreneur is characterized by self-awareness of their skills and interests, self-motivation to achieve goals, courage to take risks, and confidence in their abilities.
There are four categories of entrepreneurship skills sets: 1. Entrepreneurship skills: Entrepreneurship skills help us to recognize the economic opportunities and act upon them. This includes inner discipline, ability to take risk, being innovative, change-oriented and persistence.
Traditionally, entrepreneurship has been classified into four main categories: small businesses, scalable start-ups, large companies and social entrepreneurs. These models cover the basics of starting a business and focus more the company is more than the qualities of an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur will usually start a new business and run it.
Smallpdf to jedyne oprogramowanie do plików PDF, które pokochasz. Mamy wszystkie narzędzia, których potrzebujesz, by rozpocząć, zorganizować i zakończyć pracę z dokumentami cyfrowymi.