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29 lis 2007 · A complete Hebrew-English pocket-dictionary to the Old Testament. Evidence reported by judyjordan for item completehebrewen00feyerich on November 29, 2007: no visible notice of copyright; exact publication date unknown.
- The complete Hebrew-English dictionary
This volume contains only nun through tsadi of the Hebrew...
- The complete Hebrew-English dictionary
22 mar 2021 · This volume contains only nun through tsadi of the Hebrew alphabet.
This is the latest version of the dictionary from Biblical Hebrew to English that I have written. This is the dictionary that I use when reading the Hebrew Old Testament, as the vocabulary is too large for me to remember all the words found there.
The Index here contains every word used as a translation (gloss) in the Dictionary, that is, all the words printed in bold. In addition—a feature not seen before in Hebrew dictionaries—beneath each listed word are noted all the Hebrew words it translates, together with the volume and page reference of the relevant article.
It contains the preface to the Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament edited by Josiah W. Gibbs. The preface provides background on Gesenius' Hebrew lexicons and explains why Gibbs chose to edit and publish an English version for students of Hebrew in America.
• English and Hebrew lexicon by Selig Newman (1832) • Hebrew vocabularies, lists of the most frequently occurring Hebrew words, by William Harper (1898) • A concise dictionary of Hebrew philosophical terms by Abraham Heschel (1941)
Based on an earlier Hebrew-German work by Wilhelm Gesenius, the BDB is a comprehensive, and comprehensively sourced, resource for studying definitions and uses of every Hebrew and Aramaic word in the Bible.