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We are Christians because we believe that the Bible is the Word of God and it contains overwhelming evidence of the existence of God and His Son, Jesus Christ (John 20:30-31; Acts 17:11 & 18:27-28; Romans 10:17 & 16:25-27; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews 4:12; James 1:18; 2 Peter 1:19-21). II. IS OUR BIBLE RELIABLE?
I. THE ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE A. The Bible Being God-breathed The Scripture is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16). This tells us that the Scripture did not come out of man’s thought, man’s mind, but rather, it is God’s breathing His thought and His word through His Spirit into and out of the writers.
In this manuscript are 29 documents, Gospels and Epistles. Twenty-seven are now regarded as Scripture. Two documents included in this old copy of the Bible written in 331 were later rejected from the canon. [Sixth.]
This Companion offers a comprehensive overview of the history, nature, and legacy of biblical law. Examining the debates that swirl around the nature of biblical law, it explores its historical context, the significance of its rules, and its influence on early Judaism and Christianity.
Bible Version History Original Manuscripts: - Hebrew Old Testament (1450 B.C. - 400 B.C.) - Septuagint (250 B.C.) - Greek New Testament (96 AD) Early Codex: - Codex Vaticanus (325 AD) - Codex Sinaiticus (350 AD) - Codex Alexandrinus (400 AD) Ancient Copies: - Latin Vulgate (382 AD) - Masoretic Text (500 AD) - Wycliff (1384 AD) Printing Press ...
A comprehensive guide on biblical laws, their nature, and significance.
Jews use for the first five books of the Bible — what some call the Pentateuch, or the books of Moses, the law of Moses, or simply, The Law. Although these books do include various laws, they have much more than law. They include history and promises of salvation; they form part of the