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30 gru 2021 · Law is the mirror of life and life is the mirror of history. One cannot isolated this law from life and history. It is impossible to understand law and legal trends of any period,...
1 mar 2012 · This paper is intended to provide rule of law practitioners with a review of the historical developments that have shaped the concept of the rule of law and summarize competing contemporary...
In 1961, H.L.A. Hart published his seminal work The Concept of Law, introducing what eventually became the most dominant, influential, but controversial, theory of law in the twentieth century.
Today, the rule of law is a basic principle upon which modern democratic states and international (universal and regional) organizations (institutions) are based worldwide.
2 cze 2006 · This publication covers the fields of legal theory and legal scholarship and philosophy, and it delves into current jurisprudential thinking. It offers an overview of the contending theories...
institutional history is central to the very idea of law which jurispru-dence aspires to illuminate. Moreover, the history of institutions is fundamental not only to positive jurisprudence but also to normative jurisprudence: Understandings of law and legality structure the conditions
23 sie 2022 · For more than a century, Black's Law Dictionary has been the gold standard for the language of law. This edition contains more than 50,000 terms, including more than 7,500 terms new to this edition. It also features expanded bibliographic coverage, definitions of more than 1,000 law-related abbreviations and acronyms, and reviewed and edited ...