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  1. 2 wrz 2019 · GET THE PRESENTATION: THIS CHANNEL: Help keep me going ...

  2. 28 wrz 2016 · LEP is followed by ELL, which represents the words English Language Learner. Bilingual students are described by the way they are taught. And the video finishes with the Novel term, Emergent...

  3. 13 mar 2018 · How do I know where to begin with my ELL students? How do I know what to expect for all the different levels of students? How can I easily differentiate for ...

  4. Colorín Colorado is pleased to present the following classroom videos highlighting effective instruction of English language learners (ELLs). The videos are presented as professional development modules with related resources.

  5. In spite of the great diversity of backgrounds and needs of ELLs, classifying students into specific levels of English proficiency can be a useful tool to guide classroom management strategies and development of modifications to support these students.

  6. English learners receive gradually decreasing native language supports as they develop sufficient English language skills. English immersion programs seek to increase students’ English fluency rapidly by teaching content in English. In such programs, the core curriculum includes English language development and

  7. While classroom teachers spend the most time with ELLs, all educational personnel must be knowledgeable about the needs of ELLs so that the kinds of supports, materials, and assessments provided create a coherent support system for ELLs. This guide will give you a good understanding of what makes this curriculum unique and valuable to. ELLs.