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This suite of software contains 20 different EELS Tools. These include tools for acquiring spectra from energy filters, methods for data averaging which preserve energy resolution, methods for analysing multiple spectra simultaneously, spectral formatting and analysis tools, utilities for acquiring information from spectra and calculators for ...
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Eels – amerykański zespół rockowy założony przez wokalistę i autora piosenek Marka Olivera Everetta, znanego pod pseudonimami Man Called E, Mr. E, lub E. Skład grupy regularnie się zmienia, zarówno studyjny jak i koncertowy.
The Deconstruction is the twelfth studio album by American rock band Eels, released on April 6, 2018. [1] The band's twelfth studio release follows a four-year period where front man Mark Oliver "E" Everett took a hiatus from music.
E Works is the vanity label set up exclusively to release Eels live albums. These self-released albums include Oh, What a Beautiful Morning (2000), Electro-Shock Blues Show (2002), Sixteen Tons (Ten Songs) (2005), and Live and in Person! London 2006 (2008).
Rich ELNES structure in L 2,3-edges. White line ratio and energy shift used to determine oxidation state.