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  1. In the table below is the full Russian alphabet in presented in dictionary order. It would also be useful to learn how to say the Russian letters.

    • Basic Phrases

      Russian Audio: To help you learn Russian this lesson has...

    • Exercises

      Here are some exercises to help you learn the Russian...

    • Most Used Words

      Wow! That is our biggest Russian lesson to date. These are...

    • Language Review

      This Russian language lesson will be based on examples. We...

    • Past Tense

      Russian Past Tense. In Russian you will quite often wish to...

    • Plurals

      This Russian lesson introduces Russian plurals in a number...

    • Verbs of Motion

      As you can see Ходить and Ездить are multidirectional and...

    • Genitive Case

      The primary use of the genitive case is to indicate...

  2. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters: 10 vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic script. Some letters of the Russian alphabet look like and sound similar to the letters of the Latin alphabet. But there are also significant differences.

  3. Learn Russian letter В [ v ]. Practice pronunciation of В with examples and audio. The most comprehensive guide to the Russian alphabet.

  4. Russian Alphabet Cyrillic Letter (capital / small) Guide to Pronunciation Аа a as in father when stressed; u(h) as in mumps when unstressed Бб b as in bet; p at the end of a word Вв v as in vandal; f at the end of a word Гг g as in gasoline; k at the end of a word; sometimes v when in “г-о” combination Дд d as in deep; t at the end of a word Ее ye as in yesterday when in the ...

  5. There are 33 letters in the modern Russian alphabet. 10 of them are vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 are consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. It might be a bit more than the alphabet you’re used to but these 33 letters will open you a completely new world.

  6. Useful information about the Russian Alphabet or Cyrillic, How to write letters, pronunciation and calligraphy, you will also learn the different consonants and vowels in Russian.

  7. Full Russian Alphabet Chart With Pronunciation Letters (Symbols) List Russian letter English equivalent Russian letter English equivalent А а a as in “f ther” П п ps an” Б б as in “but” Р р in “similar to run” (but trilled) В в as in “victory” С с s as in “son” Г г as in “good” Т т tas in “op”

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