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4. RAZRED. Prenesi mapo. MATEMATIKA 4 Delovni zvezek 1 del.pdf; MATEMATIKA 4 Delovni zvezek 2 del.pdf; MATEMATIKA 4 Učbenik 1 del.pdf; MATEMATIKA 4 Učbenik 2 del.pdf 3. RAZRED. Skoči na ... 5. RAZRED Trenutno uporabljate gostujoči dostop (Prijavite se) Povzetek hrambe podatkov ...
4. RAZRED. SLO 4 Berilo.pdf; SLO 4 Delovni zvezek.pdf; SLO 4 Učbenik.pdf 3. RAZRED. Skoči na ... 5. RAZRED Trenutno uporabljate gostujoči dostop (Prijavite se) Povzetek hrambe podatkov. Pridobi mobilno aplikacijo. Stran poganja ...
14\:\mod 3 (-5)\:\mod 2 (1682\cdot1312)\:\mod9 ; Description. Find modulo of a division operation between two numbers modulo-calculator. en. Related Symbolab blog posts. Practice Makes Perfect. Learning math takes practice, lots of practice. Just like running, it takes practice and dedication.
4. razred. Oris teme. Splošno Skrči vse Razširi vse. Obvestila Forum. MATEMATIKA Družabni forum . PONAVLJAMO SNOV 3. RAZREDA Mapa. Označi za opravljeno ZBIRANJE, RAZVRŠČANJE IN PRIKAZ PODATKOV Mapa. Označi za opravljeno ...
30 sie 2009 · Mod just means you take the remainder after performing the division. Since 4 goes into 2 zero times, you end up with a remainder of 2. Modulo is the remainder, not division. The sign % is often used for the modulo operator, in lieu of the word mod. For x % 4, you get the following table (for 1-10) x x%4. 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 0. 5 1. 6 2. 7 3.
The modulo (or "modulus" or "mod") is the remainder after dividing one number by another. Example: 100 mod 9 equals 1 Because 100 9 = 11 with a remainder of 1
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