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Property information may be obtained by visiting the following pages: Online Property Search; Residential Mobile Homes; Plat Search; Please submit a Real Property Refund Request Inquiry Form or to submit refund-related questions, request a refund application
Assessments are computed at 70% of the estimated market value of real property at the time of the last revaluation which was 2021. Information on the Property Records for the Municipality of Easton was last updated on 7/26/2024.
Discover, analyze and download data from Ohio Parcels. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.
Cuyahoga County Real Property application with access to parcel data, tax data, ownership and more.
Search our free real estate database to access detailed property records. Enter an address to find property deeds, owner information, property tax history, assessments, home values, sales history, mortgages, and more. The average property sale price in Ohio is $191,000, with sales from roughly $91,000 to $344,000+.
This application has many new features available including: property tax estimator based on new tax levies, improved parcel search and comparable sales search capabilities, new reports, property search result export capabilities, additional map applications, and more.
Access comprehensive GIS mapping services for various counties in Ohio. Find detailed geographic information, including property records, zoning maps, aerial imagery, environmental data, and urban planning maps. Use these resources to explore parcel data, land records, and other key geospatial information.