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Αυτόματη δημιουργία και υποβολή ψηφιακής δήλωσης στοιχείων ακινήτων (Ε9) μέσω της εφαρμογής myPROPERTY.
Επίσης, μπορούν να εκτυπώσουν ατομικό εκκαθαριστικό σημείωμα Φόρου Ακίνητης Περιουσίας (ΦΑΠ) για τα έτη 2010-2013. Τα νομικά πρόσωπα μπορούν να υποβάλουν: Ακόμη, φυσικά και νομικά πρόσωπα μπορούν: Θα χρειαστούν τους κωδικούς τους πρόσβασης στο Taxisnet.
The Property Data Statement (E9) of the deceased is submitted in the digital portal myAADE through the "My Requests" platform by selecting Subject "Capital", Procedure "Submission of Statement E9 (special cases of non-digital submission)".
5 mar 2024 · Declaration of real estate data (E9) Original and amended E9 returns for 2010 and subsequent years. In addition, on the platform you can: Print the individual tax report for 2010-2013 and the Administrative/Corrective Tax Report for 2014 and subsequent years, if issued. Receive the ΕΝ.Φ.Ι.Α certificate.
8 lip 2023 · The property status form (E9) of taxpayers will be automatically updated after the sale or purchase of a property. The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has automated the processes and the E9 form will now be digitally updated for property sellers and buyers.
2 wrz 2023 · The online E9 form property owners have to forward to the tax authorities is now automatically completed and submitted for taxpayers who sell or buy real estate.
Antrag nach § 1 Abs. 4 EStG 1988 dennoch zulässig, wenn die Summe (1) 11.000 Euro nicht übersteigt. / If the percentage is less than 90, the application is still permissible in accordance with § 1 IV of the EStG 1988 (Income Tax Act 1988) if the total (1) does not exceed € 11,000. E 9, Seite 2 / page 2, version dated 16-DEC-2020