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sample e-sheet and omr-sheet notifications, downloads and informative videos for ssc / hssc annual examination (2024) HOW TO FILL E-SHEET|| (ON SCREEN MARKING). Video HOW TO FILL OMR-SHEET || (OMR SSC / HSSC).
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PHYSICS / CHEMISTRY / BIOLOGY / COMPUTER SCIENCE SSC PART-I&II 6 Answer the Question/(Part) at the space specified. Attempt only one part where “OR” option is given.
12 lut 2023 · Click on any subject name to open the PDF book. 2nd year class 12 books are in pdf for all students like for FA part 2, FSc part 2, ICS part 2 etc. Download these books free in pdf. Here is the list of books for HCCS 2 for Federal board for the year 2023.
You can download 9th SLO model papers, 10th SLO Model Papers, 11th SLO Model Papers and 12th SLO model papers. Don’t hesitate and practice SSC Model Papers and HSSC Model papers now! FBISE SLO Model Papers for Class 12 – Solved! | High Marks!
Please download past examination papers (old question papers) year wise from 2009 to the current 2019 of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), Islamabad for class 12 (also called second year).
Download FBISE E-Sheets (Biology + Computer Science) for 1st Year, 2nd Year / HSSC (Annual Exam 2020) by Federal Board. New Paper Pattern. FBISE has announced new way of examination at HSSC level for two subjects initially as a test case.