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15 mar 2023 · Women are disproportionately affected by dementia, both directly and indirectly. Women experience higher disability-adjusted life years and mortality due to dementia, but also provide 70% of care hours for people living with dementia.
10 sty 2024 · While there is no known underlying cause of dementia, health experts report that leading a healthy lifestyle prevents some of the risk factors that have been associated with dementia such as...
There were 74,261 deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in the UK during 2022 – more than any other cause of death. This figure was calculated using the leading cause of death groupings developed by the World Health Organisation and adopted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in their reporting for England and Wales.
23 wrz 2022 · Dyspareunia jest szczególnym rodzajem wulwodynii prowokowanej, w której uczucie dyskomfortu i dolegliwości bólowe są związane ze współżyciem płciowym – mogą pojawiać się nie tylko podczas jego trwania, ale również przed i po nim. Diagnostyka i leczenie dyspareunii jest zadaniem interdyscyplinarnym.
5 cze 2023 · In medical terminology, it is called dyspareunia. It is a complex disorder that often goes neglected. The prevalence of dyspareunia varies from 3 to 18% worldwide, and it can affect 10 to 28% of the population in a lifetime.[2][3] dyspareunia can be further categorized into superficial or deep, and primary or secondary.
14 mar 2022 · 2.4.3 Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease is characterized by noticeable memory, language, thinking or behavioral symptoms that impair a person's ability to function in daily life, combined with biomarker evidence of Alzheimer's-related brain changes.
6 sty 2022 · We estimated that the number of people with dementia would increase from 57·4 (95% uncertainty interval 50·4–65·1) million cases globally in 2019 to 152·8 (130·8–175·9) million cases in 2050.