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  1. Allison Cameron was a major character on House for the first six seasons. She was a member of Gregory House's diagnostic team during the first three seasons in the position of a fellow in Diagnostic Medicine. She was qualified as a specialist in immunology. She was the youngest member of House's...

  2. Allison Cameron, M.D., is a fictional character on the medical drama House, portrayed by American actress Jennifer Morrison. An immunologist, Cameron is a member of Dr. Gregory House's team of handpicked specialists at Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital's Department of Diagnostic Medicine.

  3. Allison Cameron – fikcyjna postać, bohaterka dramatu medycznego stacji FOX Dr House, grana przez Jennifer Morrison. Bardzo niewiele wiadomo o jej wcześniejszym życiu. Urodziła się ona około 1979 roku w okolicach Chicago. Oboje jej rodzice żyją; ma również starszego brata. W wieku 17 lat została aresztowana, jednak nie wiadomo z jakiego powodu.

  4. Allison Cameron – lekarka należąca do zespołu diagnostycznego House'a. Jej specjalizacja to immunologia. Wszystkim współczuje. Często nie zgadza się z Housem w sprawach etycznych, przez co House twierdzi, że jest zbyt "ludzka" na lekarza. Będąc na studiach wyszła za chłopaka, który miał raka…

  5. Jennifer Marie Morrison[2] (born April 12, 1979) [3] is an American actress and director. She is most known for her roles as Dr. Allison Cameron in the medical-drama series House (2004–2012) and Emma Swan in the ABC adventure-fantasy series Once Upon a Time (2011–2018).

  6. Allison Cameron, M.D. - Portrayed by Jennifer Morrison. Specializes in Immunology and Internal Medicine. Seasons 1-6. Chris Taub, M.D. - Portrayed by Peter Jacobson. He becomes a member of House's new diagnostic team in the Season 4 episode titled Games. Phil (Mark Atteberry) - Rachel's new boyfriend.

  7. Dr. Allison Cameron, M.D., was a major character on House, M.D. for the first six seasons. She was a member of Gregory House's diagnostic team during the first three seasons in the position of a fellow in Diagnostic Medicine. She was qualified as a specialist in immunology.

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