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The author presents the RECOVER initiative, which created the first consensus guidelines on veterinary resuscitation, and discusses the 5 domains of CPR for dogs and cats: preparedness and prevention, basic life support, advanced life support, monitoring, and post cardiac arrest care.
RECOVER will provide updates in Q2 2024 on treatment recommendations for Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and CPR-centered Monitoring in dogs and cats using the rigorous GRADE methodology for evidence evaluation.
26 cze 2024 · Reports from single emergency or referral veterinary hospitals suggest that CPR survival in dogs and cats undergoing CPR is low and ranges from 5% to 7% in dogs and 1% to 19% in cats. 1-4 Evidence has shown that dogs and cats experiencing CPA in association with an acute, reversible cause such as anesthesia are significantly more likely to ...
Cognitive aides consisting of the CPR algorithm, drug dosage charts, CPR priority checklist should be readily available in the emergency area, with the staff trained on their usage prior to the event, helping adherence to proper protocol.
These volunteers systematically reviewed the experimental and clinical evidence in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) research and devised a series of evidence-based, consensus CPR guidelines for dogs and cats.
CARdIoPuLMonARy REsusCITATIon: ThE RECoVER GuIdELInEs | 1. Preparedness and prevention 2. Basic life support (BLS) 3. Advanced life support (ALS) 4. Monitoring 5. Post cardiac arrest (PCA) care. A total of 101 clinical guidelines were developed and published, with the guidelines organized by domain. 1,2 The
Guidelines. Develop and update evidence-based, consensus veterinary CPR guidelines through exhaustive review of the primary CPR literature. Education. Provide the only standardized CPR training to veterinary professionals and pet owners offering CPR certification through the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC).