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U.S. DoD and/or Uniformed Services Identification Card The standard card for qualifying civilian employees, contractors, and foreign national affiliates who need access to DoD installations, and computer systems.
- Managing Your CAC
Replacing Your Card. If you lose your card, you shall be...
- CAC Security
Common Access Card (CAC) Security. The CAC — which is...
- Developer Resources
FOUO available upon request; December 2015 - DoD CIO...
- Getting Your CAC
Please refer to DoD Instruction 5200.46 for additional...
- ID Card Lifecycle
DoD 5200.2-R, "Personnel Security Program" (PDF) List of...
- Next Generation Uniformed Services ID Card
The official site of the DOD Common Access Card. ... United...
- Policies
DoD Instruction 5200.46, "DoD Investigative and Adjudicative...
- Coronavirus
DoD Response to COVID-19 - DoD ID Cards and Benefits. The...
- Managing Your CAC
The RAPIDS Self Service (RSS) application provides sponsors with the capability to generate a DD Form 1172-2 for dependents in need of a new identification (ID) card and add dependent data to the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
22 sty 2024 · To install a driver onto your computer for a CAC reader, you need to first download the correct driver for the hardware you purchased, I have drivers for the most common USB Readers, Keyboard, laptop, & desktop card readers
1 maj 2020 · In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5143.01 (Reference (a)), this instruction establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for investigating and adjudicating eligibility to hold a CAC consistent with References (b) through (o). The CAC is the DoD personal identity verification (PIV) credential.
Welcome to the RAPIDS ID Card Office Online. Select an option below to update your CAC, manage sponsor or family member ID card information, or find a RAPIDS ID Card Office.
Visit for service-specific procedures for online enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System and ID card issuance, as well as ID card, CAC and VoLAC renewals.
Answer: All DoD ID cards may be turned into your nearest ID card issuing facility which can be found by visiting ID Card Office Online at The ID card may also be mailed to the following address: