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  1. 6 paź 2020 · Współczesna interpretacja nazw nut wygląda następująco: Do - Dominus - Bóg; Re - rerum - materia; Mi - miraculum - cud; Fa - familias planetarium - rodzina planet, tj. Układ Słoneczny; Sol - solis - Słońce; La - lactea via - Droga Mleczna; Si - siderae - niebiosa.

  2. › wiki › SolmizationSolmization - Wikipedia

    The seven syllables normally used for this practice in English-speaking countries are: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti (with sharpened notes of di, ri, fi, si, li and flattened notes of te, le, se, me, ra). The system for other Western countries is similar, though si is often used as the final syllable rather than ti.

  3. 27 cze 2022 · Niewiele osób wie, ale popularny system sylab, ułatwiających odczytywanie nut i wykonywanie melodii „do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do” swoje początki miał już w XI wieku. Przypuszcza się, że solmizację wymyślił papież Sylwester II lub bł.

  4. 7 lut 2015 · So the sol-fa system goes like this: Do (C) Re (D) Mi (E) Fa (F) Sol (G) La (A) Ti (B) Do (C). The purpose of using syllables rather than proper names of notes is to learn vocal pitch and musical intervals, which come in handy when sightsinging.

  5. 27 lut 2016 · Solfege (do, re, mi, ...) is a numbering system which starts from the first note of the scale (do=1, re=2, ...). Solfege identifies the position of the note in the scale. Pitch names are a numbering system which starts from a particular sound (A440 or concert A =1, B=2, ...).

  6. Scale Structure: The Solfege System. If you can sing Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do up the major scale, you have the talent required to master Solfege, a skill that will take your musicianship to a whole new level…. The Solfege system works like this: The note that acts as the tonal center is named Do, always. In other words, Do is the key that you ...

  7. 9 lip 2010 · Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do was the work of Italian musician and singing teacher Guido d'Arezzo, developed toward the end of the 10th century, and forms the basis of the modern system of musical notation.

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