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18 lis 2024 · Bobcat diet in snowy regions. In winter, bobcats in snowy areas adapt by hunting various animals, such as red squirrels, grouse, woodrats, and smaller animals like mice and voles. Larger prey like deer and moose may also be available, particularly as carrion.
Bobcats also kill large prey, such as white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during winter (Litvaitis et al., 1986), or scavenge on large prey that die from other causes (Pollack, 1951; Fritts and Sealander, 1978; Kitchings and Story, 1979; Fox and Fox, 1982).
In winter, bobcats primarily feed on small mammals, including rabbits, voles, mice, and squirrels. These animals are more abundant and easier to catch during this season. Bobcats are highly skilled hunters and rely on their excellent eyesight and hearing to locate prey.
9 paź 2018 · Deer ( Odocoileus virginianus and Odocoileus hemionus) are present but uncommon on the higher elevations of the study area in winter. Carrion (including deer, elk Cervus canadensis, and moose Alces alces) may also be available to bobcats.
For additional information contact: Wildlands Project PO Box 455 Richmond, VT 05477 802/434-4077 ©2003 by the Wildlands Project.
8 wrz 2024 · In fact, white-tailed deer are one of their favorite foods in Massachusetts. And they are more likely to hunt them during the winter when other food sources are scarce. Their main diet consists of small mammals, such as rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks, and mice.
18 lis 2016 · I am having an interesting discussion on the DNR Page with people who believe that Bobcats have no impact at all on deer and turkey numbers. I saw 5 Bobcats...