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15 lis 2021 · What is the maximum lifespan of dhampirs? Are they semi-immortal like undead creatures, do they have lifespans similar to those of humans, or are their lifespans in between these extremes?
I've created variations of all three together, main & details together, main & spells together as well as the original separate sheets. All of them in the below GoogleDrive folder. All have protected and not protected versions.
Character Sheet & Code Library Changelogs - v1.3 sheet by David Lester linked in Legal and How-To sheet in template sheet.
Roll on or choose an option from the Dhampir Hungers table to determine what tempts your character to feed. Dhampirs often arise from encounters with vampires, but all manner of macabre bargains, necromantic influences, and encounters with mysterious immortals might have transformed your character.
Print sheet JSON Dhampir Poised between the worlds of the living and the dead, dhampirs retain their grip on life yet are endlessly tested by Vicious hungers.
Below, you’ll find links to the ready-to-use character sheets from the D&D Starter Set, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle , as well as a collection of other character sheets fit for adventure! These files are zipped PDFs; you may print and photocopy them for your personal use.
3 gru 2019 · You can print a blank Character Sheet and fill it out by hand using these instructions. If you fill it out on your computer, the boxes that will be filled in for you are shown in red . Information specific to the Multiclass Character Sheet is shown in blue .