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There are 36.06 miles from Waco to Gatesville in southwest direction and 38 miles (61.16 kilometers) by car, following the US-84 W route. Waco and Gatesville are 44 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX. The halfway point is McGregor, TX.
If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Waco and Gatesville is 60.88 km. If you ride your car with an average speed of 112 kilometers/hour (70 miles/h), travel time will be 00 hours 32 minutes.
You can use to find out how far is it to drive from Waco to Gatesville with full directions. How long is the drive from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX? The total driving time is 44 minutes. Your trip begins in Waco, Texas. It ends in Gatesville, Texas.
The total driving distance from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX is 38 miles or 61 kilometers. Your trip begins in Waco, Texas. It ends in Gatesville, Texas. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.
Get a quick answer: It's 38 miles or 61 km from Waco to Gatesville (Texas), which takes about 44 minutes to drive. Check a real road trip to save time.
The total driving distance from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX is 38 miles or 61 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Waco, TX to Gatesville, TX is 36 miles . This is equivalent to 58 kilometers or 31 nautical miles .
Driving distance between Waco, TX and Gatesville, TX is 37.72 miles (or 60.70 kilometers). If you drove an average car (using about 3.6 gallons of gas per mile), the gas would cost you around $ , since you would need about gallons of fuel.