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  1. Sri Lanka is a unitary democratic republic with three levels of government: national, provincial and local. Local government is enshrined in the 13th amendment to the constitution. The second-tier provincial authorities are governed by the Provincial Councils Act 1987. The main Acts relating to third-tier local authorities are the Urban

  2. The local government system in Sri Lanka has long been well established. However, due to operational needs, local governments rely heavily on provincial and central government councils, through cadres, finance and legal provisions to take action against the local government.

  3. Local government is the third and lowest level of government in Sri Lanka – after the central government and provincial councils. The local government bodies are collectively known as local authorities.

  4. 1 sty 2016 · Some of them include the willingness of local officials to support and perform decentralized management functions; the quality of leadership; the attitudes of local people towards government;...

  5. Taking into account the developmental, governance, and conciliatory needs and the sensitivity of central–local relations, this volume critically examines the local government systems in Sri Lanka.

  6. For the last 20 years efforts to change and reform local government in the country have focused on devolution as a means to provide increased representation for the Sri Lankan Tamil ethnic minority and resolve their demands for an independent state.

  7. Three decades of experience have shown that the provincial councils function as sub-national level governments that are better able to meet the diverse and special demands of the different provinces. Therefore, this paper focuses on the question of why the provincial council system is criticized by many.