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  1. In this post, we’ll go highlight the most useful Hawaiian Pidgin Slang words and phrases so when you arrive you’re fully prepared to meet some kanaka’s (kah-NAH-kah) or Hawaiian People and jump right into Hawaiian culture.

  2. 1 kwi 2022 · Here’s a list of Hawaii slang and Pidgin phrases you can learn before your next trip. Editor’s Note: Tourists can use this as a guide if they hear a word they don’t understand. However, if...

  3. 5 sie 2023 · If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Some common Hawaiian insults include poʻo, haole, and iz. Words like pahua ʻele are considered very offensive. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover a wide range of Hawaiian insults and bad words.

  4. 27 lut 2023 · So, if you’re worried about not knowing the lingo, here’s an alphabetical list of 38 Pidgin and Hawaiian phrases that will help you not get lost in translation. B-52 Bombah Roaches, specifically the big kind that can fly.

  5. So donʻt fret, and check out the collection of words and terms weʻve put together that will get you through your trip without anything important being missed in translation. 1. Aloha is a funny one since it has so many definitionsit can mean hello and goodbye.

  6. 2 wrz 2015 · Locals don’t cheer when they’re excited, they shout, “Chee hoo!” 2. When everything is all messed up, things are definitely “hamajang.” 3. You don’t get hurt in Hawaii, you get “buss (bust) up.” 4. A Hawaii local never has a lot of something, but always has “choke” amounts. Example: “Electric beach has choke turtles.” 5.

  7. Common Hawaiian Phrases HAWAIIANPHRASE& MEANING& Aloha$ Hello,$goodbye,$love$ Ahuihou$ Unit$we$meet$again,$goodbye$ Aloha$Kakahiaka$ Good$morning$