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  1. 6 cze 2022 · Seafarers shall receive safety familiarization and basic training or instruction in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.

  2. Chapter VI - Standards regarding emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions Section A-VI/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers

  3. .2 fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A-VI/1-2: .2.1 use self-contained breathing apparatus; and .2.2 effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space, using an approved smoke-generating device aboard, while wearing a breathing apparatus.

  4. 4 Taking into account the instructions of the Conference and documents STCW/CONF/5/Rev.1, STCW/CONF/DC/2 and STCW/CONF/DC/2/Corr.1, the Secretariat has prepared the full text of the STCW Code, attached hereto.

  5. Table A-VI/1-4 -3 - Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence competence Understand and Importance of obtaining the Assessment of evidence Fatigue management practices

  6. Table A-VI/1-2 - 2 - Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for and proficiency demonstrating competence evaluating competence Fight and .8 use of breathing .3 extinguish smaller fires, extinguish fires apparatus for fighting e.g., electrical fires, oil

  7. › wp-content › uploadsSTCW -

    Section 4 tells you what you need to do to if you are a holder of an STCW-95 certi cate and need to update your certi cate to 2010 amended STCW. This section includes tables that summarise by rank the additional competencies you need to demonstrate to upgrade your certi cate.

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