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  1. Deuteronomy contains three speeches that Moses gave. He gave them just before the *Israelites entered Canaan. Canaan was the country that God had given to the *Israelites. God wanted the *Israelites to obey the law. Deuteronomy is about the relationship with God by means of the *covenant of the law. The law is not just a series of rules to obey.

  2. Free Bible study guide on the book of Deuteronomy includes commentary, discussion questions, and application to encourage life change.

  3. Study No.1 OPENING THE DOOR TO DEUTERONOMY (An Introduction) I God's Purpose for you What is salvation? How does a person become a Christian? II God's Plan for the Israelites What were the three steps or stages in Israel's early life? 1. 2. 3. What are the three steps or stages of the spiritual life? 1. 2. 3. III God's Program in Deuteronomy

  4. the Septuagint of the clause in <Deut 17:18> rendered, ‘and he shall write for himself this repetition of the law.’ The Hebrew really means ‘and he shall write out for himself a copy of this law.’

  5. Verse 1: The book of Deuteronomy consists of the words that Moses spoke to all the *Israelites. Moses repeated to them the *covenant that God had given to them at *Mount Horeb (*Mount Sinai). Also, he explained the laws that they must obey in various situations.

  6. This address is introduced in the five opening verses of the book by a simple historical reference to the circumstances in which it was given. It was spoken on the plain of Moab "in the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month"

  7. So though the plan did not originate with God (Deuteronomy 1 indicates that it started with the people, and was approved by Moses), the LORD essentially said: “If you are going to send spies, send twelve, and have them represent the whole nation by sending one from each tribe.”