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  1. Below, you can download three DELF B2 sample papers. Please note that from 2020, a new exam format appears. It involves changes in the DELF B2 listening and reading tests.

  2. On this page, you can download DELF past exam papers for the four levels of the DELF. Therefore, you can discover sample papers for DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2.

  3. Exemples de sujets d'examen. Audio pour les exercices de compréhension de l'oral. Grilles et critères d'évaluation. Deux formats des épreuves de compréhension de l'oral et des écrits du DELF sont diffusés dans les sessions officielles. Le nombre d’exercices et de questions, la longueur des documents et la forme des questions sont ...

  4. 17 sty 2023 · For better practice for your upcoming French exam, we have some handpicked DELF B2 Sample papers below that will help you boost your reading, writing, speaking, & listening skills. There are specific exercises for each skill level, along with answers for you to keep a check on your improvement.

  5. What is the DELF exam? DEFL means Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française. This is an official qualification awarded by the French Ministry of Education to ensure that, as a non-French native speaker, you have learnt French and can communicate in this language up to a certain level.

  6. 31 sty 2017 · Including free DELF B2 preparation guides for the 4 sections of DELF B2 exam: Comprehension Orale, Ecrite and Production Orale, Ecrite. french B2 vocabulary and grammar checklist. Check your comprehension with free DELF B2 practice exercise and mock DELF B2 mock exams.

  7. Sample subjects. The CIEP offers some sample examination subjects to help you get familiar with these diplomas. A good understanding of how the DELF and/or DALF is organized is an invaluable asset when the examination day comes.

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