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  1. 21 mar 2024 · In Ephesians 6:12, the Bible discusses spiritual warfare, highlighting the need for protection against negative influences. This can be interpreted as a form of defense against the Evil Eye, where envy and jealousy are seen as tools of the adversary.

  2. Discover the meaning of Evil eye in the Bible. Study the definition of Evil eye with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  3. An eye that is supposed to be capable of harming, or even killing, living beings by looking at them. The damage may or may not be intended by the owner of the eye. This belief was widespread in ancient times and has continued up to the present, although it seems never to have spread to the western hemisphere.

  4. 29 lis 2020 · In short, “evil eye” is a euphemism for envyseeing what advantages or possessions others have, and longing for them. It is an obsession with wealth, to the point of competing so you can equal or outdo others. The attitude could be summarized as, “I see how much wealth you have, and I can gain that and more!

  5. The Evil Eye in the Bible refers to the tricky look given to someone with wickedness in the mind. It figuratively implies envy and jealousy, which can cause harm to the Looker and the one looked at. That is true with its affiliation with covetousness, which can be costly if followed after.

  6. Early on, the local Pharisees cast an evil eye on Jesus as they seek for a way to destroy Him (Mark 3:6). In the first interaction the scribes from Jerusalem have with Jesus, they slander Him by claiming His power comes from Satan (Mark 3:22).

  7. In the Bible the expression is synonymous with envy, jealousy and some forms of covetousness. In comparing Romans 1:29 with Mark 7:22 we find that ophthalmos poneros corresponds to phthonos.

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