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9 lis 2023 · Simple Computer Lab Rules for the Classroom. Wash your hands before entering the computer lab. Eyes on the speaker, not the computer. Turn computer monitors off when asked by your teacher. Do not go on unapproved sites. No food or drinks near the keyboard. Only use your assigned computer and workstation. Do not change the settings on the computer.
K-5 Computer Lab Rules Assignment: Use these rules to keep your technology classes running smoothly throughout the year. You can download the ready to print rules sheets or copy the rules you prefer to use on your own sheets.
29 sie 2022 · Classroom computers are an investment that you and your school want to last. Teach kids how computers should be handled and how they shouldn’t be handled, and make sure students know what the consequences are for not treating computers with care.
Always sit at your assigned computer unless a teacher moves you. Be respectful and responsible and always listen for directions. Use the computer properly to keep it in good working order! Lab use is a privilege -- not a right! Abuse that privilege and you can (and will) lose your lab time.
29 mar 2024 · Here are 10 essential safety rules for kids designed to equip them with the knowledge to navigate their school environment securely: Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and other classroom safety rules such as fire drills, lockdown drills, and evacuation routes.
With this information in mind, you will know the etiquette to be followed inside any computer lab. With the right precautions and safety measures, everyone can have a good experience inside the lab, and the equipment can also stay safe from damage.
30 wrz 2015 · It’s just what every computer lab needs—a cool poster containing some general guidelines to help students make the most of their time tech-ing it up!