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  1. Simon Fraser (1729 – 7 October 1777) was a British general during the American War of Independence. He was killed in the Battle of Bemis Heights during the Saratoga Campaign.

  2. 8 gru 2023 · Simon Fraser (1729 – 7 October 1777) was a British general during the American War of Independence who was killed in the Battle of Bemis Heights during the Saratoga Campaign by Timothy Murphy, an American rifleman.

  3. In her memoir she recorded Fraser's last hours: '...[he] often exclaim..."Oh, fatal ambition! Poor General Burgoyne! My poor wife.' He asked General Burgoyne to have him buried at six o'clock in the evening, on a hill…" Fraser died the following morning, and Burgoyne granted his dying wish, burying him on the field.

  4. Fraser who was killed in General Burgoyne's army in 1777; aunt -to Dr. Fraser, phy-.ician in London; and to Mrs. Fraser Tyler, wife of Lord Woochouselee, now (1805) a judge of the Court of Sessions in Scotland.i

  5. Simon Fraser was a British general during the who was killed in the Battle of Bemis Heights during the Saratoga Campaign by Timothy Murphy, an American rifleman. Simon was a younger son of Hugh Fraser of Balnain, in the Highlands, by his wife, a daughter of Fraser of Forgie.

  6. Simon Fraser (1729 – 7 October 1777) was a British general during the American War of Independence who was killed in the Battle of Bemis Heights during the Saratoga Campaign by Timothy Murphy, an American sniper. Simon was a younger son of Hugh Fraser of Balnain, Highland, by his wife, a...

  7. 5 paź 2018 · For the next twenty two years he is married to the army, advancing in rank until taking a wife. Prior to his death at age forty eight, he and his wife had no children during their seven years of marriage in which two years were spent campaigning overseas.