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  1. DE 22 Rev. (1-24) (INTERNET) Page 2 of 22. ... DE 2320 Rev. 67 (1-24) (INTERNET) Page 4 of 22. UI Online . Page 20. The maximum benefit amount is 26 times the weekly benefit amount or ... We will automatically file an ABP claim on your behalf if you’re not eligible for a SBP claim.

  2. DE 2320 Rev. 60 (1-16) (INTERNET) Page 5 of 25 Fraud Prevention and deteCtion The EDD recognizes your concerns about imposter fraud and the threat of identity theft. Imposter fraud occurs when someone intentionally files a UI claim using another person’s employment or personal information.

  3. Find forms, publications, and other important documents related to the EDD and unemployment insurance.

  4. DE 2320 Rev. 63 (4-18) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 19 For Your Benefit: California’s Programs for the Unemployed This publication provides information about programs offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) for unemployed Californians. This is for general information only and it is not a legal document.

  5. DE 2320/S Rev. 60 (1-16) (INTERNET) Page 2 of 25 Seguro de deSemPleo (ui) El Seguro de Desempleo (UI) es un seguro que su empleador paga, y cuales pagos de beneficios sustituyen una parte de los salarios/sueldos que ha perdido usted debido a la pérdida de su empleo por razones ajenas a su voluntad.

  6. para Beneficios del Seguro de Desempleo (UI) (DE 1101I/S) para que lo complete y envíe. DE 2320/S Rev. 67 (1-24) (INTERNET) Page 4 of 24. UI Online. página 24 • Para un procesamiento más rápido y seguro, complete el formulario y envíelo por fax al número que aparece en el mismo. Si envía por correo

  7. 28 wrz 2015 · DE 2320 For Your Benefit: California's Programs for the Unemployed. Provides information on UI, DI, PFL, and Job Service benefits available to the employee. This booklet must be provided to the employee at separation of employment. More information about the DE 2320 and other required EDD documents can be found at Attached Files

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