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See how your gear stacks up against Old School RuneScape's monsters using the OSRS Wiki's damage-per-second calculator.
GearScape is an easy to use tool focused on helping players find the right gear setup for any npc, based on your preferences! Choose your stats, budget, items you don't have, favorite combat style, niche builds and more! Compare your setups with each other to find the best one! Choose your preferences like budget, stats, items to avoid and more!
Exclude infernal cape by default or make it a tickbox since most players don't have one. Overall its a pretty good calculator, the future is bright.
I have searched around to when I got the Max cape, and I found a 2 year old post with a spreadsheet, with cape designs and pictures with it. The link:
The OsRs calculators have been brought up to date, given a Twisted League XP mode and I've added a Wintertodt Damage and Hunter Skill calculator. Of particular note is the addition of variable xp training methods, such as the Book of Arcane Knowledge for Runecrafting.
Calculate Dps and compare multiple gear setups.
Players gain combat skill experience from dealing damage. The normal value is 4 experience per damage in ranged and melee combat styles, and 2 experience per damage in Magic combat style. However, certain high defence monsters have higher experience per hitpoint damage ratio.