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Specific information about Corporate Income Tax: CIT entities, time limit for registration, registering for CIT, profits subject to CIT, keepin of account, tax rates, tax exemption
- Residents
Personal income tax rates. Information on personal income...
- Cross-border commuters
Income tax rates for commuters. Information on the impact of...
- Pensioners
Pensioners - Tax Portal -
- Vehicles in EU
Vehicles in EU - Tax Portal -
- Stay in EU
Stay in EU - Tax Portal -
- Inheritance
You should pay the tax within 14 days from the date of...
- Corporate income tax
Specific information about Corporate Income Tax: CIT...
- Value added tax
Specific information about VAT: registering, general rules...
- Residents
Advantages of Pre-filled Income Tax Returns: Reducing Compliance Costs for Personal Income Taxpayers; Simplified the tax compliance procedure; User friendly public service; Quicker tax refund in case of a tax overpayment (max time - 45 days from sending the tax return; average time - 17 days) Online tax payment in the service
15 lut 2024 · You will submit here tax returns: PIT-28, PIT-36, PIT-36L, PIT-37 and PIT-38 as well as PIT-OP and PIT-DZ. After logging in to e-US, enable e-Correspondence. Send and receive letters online. From 15 February 2024, you can settle revenue from business activity and special branches of agricultural production in your e-PIT. How to log in?
Procedura SME będzie obowiązywać w Polsce od 1 stycznia 2025 r. Podatnicy i ich pełnomocnicy szybko i bezpiecznie... Podatnicy coraz częściej składają deklaracje dotyczące podatku od czynności cywilno-prawnych (PCC) w formie elektronicznej.
22 cze 2017 · Why do I have a “W” on my payslip as I my employer received a new RPN (Tax Cert) from Revenue? Week 1/Month 1 Basis certificates have a status of “W” on your payslips and are mainly issued in the following circumstances:
Główny Urząd Miar udostępnia poprzez Internet usługę umożliwiającą synchronizację czasu w systemach komputerowych z czasem urzędowym obowiązującym w Polsce. Usługa jest realizowana poprzez dwa serwery czasu o nazwach:;
1 lut 2022 · Your Form W-2 is an earnings statement your employer uses to report your income and any taxes or other withholdings you’ve paid throughout the past tax year. You’ll need a W-2 from your employer to file your taxes. Check out the W-2 basics and learn what each field means in our simple outline below. Form W-2 Basics