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Badger Custom Grips makes the finest revolver grips on the market. With grips for Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Colt, Badger's unique designs and customization options allows customers to customize the look and feel of their grip to perfectly fit the shooter.
ALTAMONT® offers replacement rubber SP-101 grips and custom insert options. Select a combo OR mix and match a rubber grip and set of insert.
Full (3-Finger) Grip for Ruger SP101 revolvers. Locating pin required for proper fit. If your current grip is the monogrip (screw enters through the bottom) you will need to add a locating pin to your order. Select Exact Wood Blank: We allow you to select the exact piece of hardwood to build your grip. Simply select th
hardwood grips; g10 grips; grip screws & bushings; bobtail 1911 government. hardwood grips; g10 grips; grip screws & bushings; arex. rex zero 1 standard. g10 grips; rex zero 1 compact. g10 grips; beretta. apx. handall ® beavertail grip sleeves; 85. handall ® beavertail grip sleeves; 92 vertec & m9a3. overmolded ® rubber grips; g10 grips ...
Our custom Ruger SP101 grips are available in our Hydra, VZ 320, and VZ Twister textures and many different color options so you can customize your SP101 to your preference. You can choose between stainless steel and black grips screws.
Our SP101 grips are the premier wooden grips for this workhorse revolver. Click below to shop our options for all GP100 and Super Redhawk models (including Alaskan). This highly concealable revolver greatly benefits from our unique design that improves recoil and accuracy.
Our carefully designed packages for your Ruger® SP101, Ruger GP100® and Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan® and any S&W® J, K, L, N or X Frame revolver should serve any shooter’s needs. Gemini Customs is a true custom shop, featuring our own exotic wood grips, Hybra-Port™ porting, moon-clip conversions and Small Wonder Sights (temporarily ...