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Maryland’s assessments and course grades is necessary. Therefore, including a standardized EOC assessment in the final course grade can improve the alignment. Many states have recently changed their high stakes assessments to EOC assessments instead of stand-alone graduation exit requirements.
Federal and State Assessment Requirements. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to assess students annually in grades 3-8 and once in high school in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science.
The EOC exams shift the emphasis from high-stakes testing to teacher instruction with 80% of a student’s course grade based on locally created teacher-designed content. The EOC exams measure student learning of core academic content in the respective subject areas.
Prepare your system for computer-based MCAP assessments. Access technical guidelines, user guides, and TestNav. View Technology Setup
This bulletin contains information about graduation requirements, required state assessments, internships, opportunities for dual enrollment in college, and special programs. Course selection in high school is critical to the realization of career and higher-education goals.
Students must meet the assessment requirements in each course to earn a Maryland high school diploma. The assessments ensure that graduates have mastered the basic skills needed to succeed after high school.
The state of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high school graduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories of requirements. enrollment, course credit, student service learning (SSL), and Maryland assessments: MCPS requirements that extend state requirements are designated below with a double asterisk (**).